Oil refinery plant
精炼油设备生产线 |

精炼油生产线 Cooking oil refinery plant
工艺: 毛油--脱酸--脱胶--脱色--脱臭--成品油
Flow chart: Rude oil
--neutralizering--dugmming--decolorizering--deodorizering--food oil.
It is suitable for degumming、deacidfying、decoloring and deodouring treatment.
According to the client, The products come up to the high grade cooking oil、the first
and the second class of the state standard of China. The following main equipment
are necessary: Lye tank、Hot Water Tank、Water Ejector、Water and Steam Ejector、Steam
Header、Soapstock Vessel、Refining Tank、Decolorizing tank 、Deodorizing Vessel 、Oil
separator、Vapor Superheader、Oil Seperating Tank、Clay Tank、Filter、Alkali
Dissolving Tank、Decolorized Oil Tank、Oil Pump ,etc.